Fresh From the Roastery :: Brazil Sitio Rocinha

Caffe Umbria Single Origin: Brazil Sitio RocinhaGrown at Sitio Rocinha by Demétrio Flaviano de Oliveira, this coffee is selectively harvested, only when the fruits are ripe. Harvested by hand over cloths to protect the coffee from coming in contact with the ground, it is taken to the patio for drying on the same day.

 Caffe Umbria Single Origin Coffee - Sitio Rocinha by Demétrio Flaviano de Oliveira

Demétrio is the third generation of coffee growers in his family, following his mother and grandfather, who bought the farm in the 1960’s. He is dedicated to producing gourmet coffees that are sustainably grown, with a focus on natural processing and preserving and respecting the environment.

Caffe Umbria Single Origin Brazil Sitio Rocinha

Sourcing Notes
By Pete Maskiell, Caffè Umbria Roaster

I have wanted to highlight Brazil as an origin since we started our Mono Origine (Single Origin) program a few years ago. Brazil is an essential origin component at Caffè Umbria, creating those creamy, rich notes that our blends are known for. This particular coffee stood out on the cupping table because it featured not only some of the best qualities we typically find in a Brazil, but has some standout characteristics that highlight the craft and care put into growing and processing.

Producer: Demétrio Flaviano de Oliveira (3rd Generation to farm on that site)
Farm: Sitio Rocinha (50 acres)
Elevation: 1250 meters
Cultivar: Yellow Catuai - a cultivated variety bred in Brazil. Cherries turn yellow not red when ripe
Main Region: Minas Gerais, Brazil’s largest region which produces 50% of their annual coffee crop
Sub-growing Regions: Sul De Minas (Southern Minas), Pedralva (the municipality in which the farm lies), Mantiqueria de Minas 

Tasting Notes: Round body, mild acidity with notes of Vanilla, Fresh Cherry, Earl Grey Tea, hints of Caramel.
Roast Level: Light
Process: Natural

Recommended Brew MethodsEspresso, Chemex, Hario, Batch Brew 

Recipes for brewing Leone Blend coffee with an aeropress, chemex, espresso, and moka pot

For wholesale inquiries, please contact your sales representative.


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