This exceptional micro-lot is exclusive to Caffè Umbria this year.
Nestled in the upper valley of the Magdalena River with its rich volcanic soil, near the eastern edge of Huila, Finca Buenavista produces the prized Caturra variety of coffee on 2 hectares of land owned and run by Laureano Joven. Joven is part of the micro-lot program at ASPROTimaná, where exemplary coffees are processed separately then offered only as a micro-lot. This gives farmers the opportunity to achieve both higher recognition and a higher price.
This region is known for producing some of the most distinctive coffees available, and received a Denomination of Origin status in 2013 - the same status awarded to champagne, Roquefort cheese and other food and wines with unique, location specific characteristics.
In the cup, the terroir and the care employed in processing become evident. The Finca Buenavista is delicate with a surprising depth of character; elegant, with unmatched clarity and a range of delicate fruit notes.
We are particulary drawn to the ambitious and innovative programs started by the ASPROTimaná Cooperative. In 2014, they opened a specialty coffee shop in the urban area of Timaná that serves as a community meeting place, and provides meaningful training for youth in cupping, quality control and barista skills. They are in the process of adding an independent experimental farm just for youth, where they will learn the entire coffee producing process.
PRODUCER ASPROTimaná Cooperative
FARM Finca Buenavista
GROWER Laureano Joven
TASTING NOTES Milk Chocolate | Passion Fruit |Floral
RECOMMENDED BREW METHODS Aeropress | Hario v60 | French Press

Cupping Room Collection coffees are seasonal finds with unique flavor characteristics & stories.
Sourced by our roasting team, these exciting coffees are always in limited supply.
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