Cupping Room Collection | Congo Muungano

2018 Congo Muungano Cupping Room Collection

Muungano means “togetherness” in Swahili, a principle epitomized by the nearly 4,400 smallholder farms in this cooperative. Founded in 2009, Muungano coop is almost half female, many of whom were widowed by war.  Gender justice is a key focus of the members, and they work closely with the Gender Action Learning Systems (GALS) to highlight the work of women.

2018 Cupping Room Collection Congo Muungano Single Origin Coffee
2108 Congo Muungano Coffee from the Cupping Room Collection

Muungano Cooperative is known for the sweet, bright and complex coffees they produce every year. Certified Fair Trade and 100% organic, this coffee tied for third in a tasting of women-produced coffees for Coffee Review’s June 2017 tasting report. 

Congo Muungano Single Origin Coffee

Congo Muungano Single Origin Coffee

Why we like it:  This coffee is as impressive as the story behind it - the people of Kivu region have been able to overcome past civil unrest and thrive as a coffee producers. Even though this cooperative, nearly half women, is just over 10 years old, it has made great advancements in the quality of life and coffee. Hard work and a passion to overcome obstacles shines through in the cup of this intriguing coffee. 

Congo Muungano Coffee at Caffe Umbria

Congo Muungano Single Origin Coffee

REGION: South Kivu
PRODUCER: Muungano Cooperative
VARIETALS: Mainly Bourbon
ALTITUDE: 1480-2000 MASL
HARVEST: February - June (Main)
TASTING NOTES: Plum | Blackberry |Ginger Candy | Medium-High Citric Acidity
CERTIFICATION: 100% Organic, Fair Trade
ROAST: Light


RECOMMENDED BREW METHODS: Chemex | French Press | Hario v60

Congo Muungano coffee brewing guide


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